Newspaper unknown
Date unknown


       CHILTON--SPL--When the old Methodist Church was wired for electricity wires were installed in such a way that when the wind blew hard from certain directions, the lights would turn on.  One night a storm blew up in such force that everyone in town got up and dressed.
       "Aunt Sarah Brandford," an ex-slave lived at Chilton.  The next morning when she came to work for a Chilton woman she was asked if she been scared during the storm.
       "Yes ma'am", she said "I was scared.  I aroused George and told him we had better go to the barn, our house was shaking so; but when I opened the back door and saw the lights I told George we could go back to bed, because God was in Chilton that night and no harm would befall us.  So we went back to bed and went to sleep!"
